Contact Us
There are many ways to stay connected with us. Contact a specific program by viewing our full directory below.
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Mailing Address
The Door
121 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
Visit & Outreach
Future Pathways
Communications and Marketing
Press Inquiries
Mika De Roo, mderoo@door.org
Frank Martinez, frankm@door.org (habla Español)
Call: (646) 661-4862
Barbara Clapp, bclapp@door.org
Food & Nutrition
Sunetra Rangraj, srangraj@door.org
Foster Care
High School Equivalency (HSE)
Advance & Earn: Paul Rangel, PRangel@door.org
Advance & Earn Plus: Matt Sullivan, msullivan@door.org
General HSE: Stephanie Imperati, SImperati@door.org
Health, Dental, Sexual Health & Birth Control
Call: 212-453-0222
Text: 833-569-0033
Human Resources
Legal & Immigration
Manhattan Youth Center Drop-in Hours: Monday–Friday, 2:00pm–5:30pm (with additional hours between 10:00am–2:00pm for urgent situations and for young people who are unstably housed)
Runaway & Homeless Youth/Supportive Services
For housing emergencies: shelterinfo@door.org
For questions or case management: dropinservices@door.org
Supportive Housing
The Lee: (646) 581-2347; Noel Brown, NBrown@Door.org
East 9th Street: (646) 600-7415 or (917) 232-3204; Shelleema Haywood, SHaywood@Door.org